A Dalrock Update

If you visit Dalrock’s website, you will now see it has been privated.

I’ve requested access. Unfortunately, I have not been granted it. I believe the reason why is because Dalrock has decided to scrub his material from the Internet. If you try to look up his website through the Wayback Machine, you receive this message:

They say that the reason for this can be due to the owner of a URL requesting its removal.

All the links to Dalrock’s materials are basically worthless now. They all redirect to the Private Site page. And you can’t get around that by pasting the link into the Wayback Machine either. It’s all gone. If you didn’t go out of your way to download your own personal archive of his website, then like most people, you’ve completely and totally lost access to everything he wrote. And that’s sad.

HOWEVER, I did download an archive of his website. It doesn’t contain quite everything, but most of it. I think I created this archive the day after he announced he planned to shut it all down. So any comments or changes that came after that are well and truly lost, but it’s not really a big deal. I still have pretty much everything he wrote. If you want it, I uploaded it to a Google Drive folder. (You can download it here.) It’s 1.32 gigabytes in size, so it’ll take a while.

I hope and pray Dalrock is alright and isn’t doing this in reaction to threats of legal repercussion or pressure from his family or church. Still wish he told us why he decided to leave. But always remember- God is sovereign and in control, and he works in mysterious ways. We are all in his capable hands. God bless!

UPDATE: Turns out there is an alternative archive of Dalrock’s blog at TheRedPill Archive! And it’s searchable as well! https://theredarchive.com/blog/Dalrock

Thanks to @ffs2022 on Twitter for letting me know!

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